Tuesday 15 February 2011

Clay Sculpting

On Monday I fixed the body guide in place at the front of the armature and began building up clay (above left). Using various photographs of the Oscar award I was able to quickly build up the basic form of the upper part of the sculpt.  This really has been the part of this project I felt would challenge me and I have been surprised at the speed it has come together.

Today I continued to progress by getting tutor opinions as I made progress. The area at the back of the sculpt shows the amount of space taken up by the mechanism (below).

The face sculpt has been unusual as it is difficult to decipher from photographs as they all show different reflections surroundings and light pending. The large scare statues outside the awards venue are much more defined than the actual award which appears smoothed over. I am trying to a few more variations on the face before I am happy.

On Paul’s recommendation I took turn around photos which I can now use to measure and draw lines to better understand where the faults are in the sculpt (below).

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