Monday 24 January 2011

Making a start: The Body

 Today I began making a full size body using waste acrylic from the off cuts bin. It never ceases to amaze me how much material people throw away as useless! This may well end up being the final body depending on how successful the assembly goes over the next few days. I am still undecided as to whether or not I will be casting the body as one piece for the finished dispenser. This is an area that really needs more thought. 

 The cut pieces (above) looked like a simple bunch of strips. Each one is however numbered to fit in a specific place on the body. As I began to assemble the parts I realised I had miscalculated one piece which I will recut tomorrow morning to continue the assembly process.

The full size of the body has really become apparent now I have these parts to hold. It's great to see something coming into being all of a sudden. Once I have completed the PEZ logo drawing and other text I will cut them out and aim to have the body with all details assembled by the end of the week. 

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